
Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.


Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1
80-818 Gdańsk, Poland


+48 58 351 01 51



This game is not a game. Framing the unframeable. The possibilities of developing self-educational strategies through aesthetic learning processes. / Joanna Magierecka

Aesthetic learning processes or learning through aesthetics, especially within a collective process, opens up for a broad spectrum of learning strategies, where knowledge is developed together, through understanding others and understanding the subject at hand. A mediating process between the subject, objects and the others was inaugurated. The participants together have negotiated what the “truth” (or “truths”) of a phenomena is, and through accumulation of knowledge arrive at a new understanding. At the same time, this understanding is contextual. (Austring& Sørensen, 2006). What is universal is the always developing ability to re-examine the subjective knowledge in the collective process; re-thinking and re-negotiating what “truth” is. (Bøen-Olsen/Magierecka)