Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.
Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1
80-818 Gdańsk, Poland
+48 58 351 01 51
“Academic didactics workshop” – this is how Adam Jagięłło-Rusiłowski mysteriously called his classes. Everyone who wanted to learn new didactic methods and wanted…
Read MoreOn 27th May 2021 there was a 1st Partners meeting in Gdańsk. Due to pandemic we have decided to held it in a…
Read MorePROGRAMME OF „OTHERNESS-TOGETHERNESS-AESTHETICS” WORKSHOPS The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre, Workshop Venue (1st floor) ul. W. Bogusławskiego 1, Gdańsk 13.08.2021 (Friday) 10:00-13:00 welcome and integration round…
Read MoreOn August 13-17, 2021, an international seminar was held. training during which Polish specialists taught the Norwegian team how to creatively use Shakespeare…
Read MoreMeeting the other is in itself a phenomenon which needs dialogue. The success of the dialogue depends on how we enter the dialoque,…
Read MoreThe project entitled “Otherness-Togetherness-Aesthetics. Aesthetic learning processes and Shakespeares immersive and timeless universe” is based on cooperation with four Polish universities: University of Gdańsk, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, University of Warsaw, Tischner European University in Kraków with methodical support of Norwegian Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Campus Notodden.