
Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.


Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1
80-818 Gdańsk, Poland


+48 58 351 01 51



After-class and project materials

We present the materials that were created during the projekt. These are the main results of intellectual work achieved during the project.

Below you will find syllabuses that were created at 4 universities in Poland: the University of Gdańsk, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the University of Warsaw and the European University in Krakow.

All of these syllabuses have been studied by researchers at the University of Notodden. Visitations were held at all Polish universities. Conversations. Observations of classes.
The result was a synthesis of all the material and drawing conclusions about the direction in which the goals and values ​​of the project were pursued during university courses in Poland in 2022. The following presentation is a summary of this study.

The last of the resulting results of intellectual work that we would like to present to you is the developed concept of the Shakespeare Camp, which took place in Gdańsk in the summer of 2022 for students participating in the project.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the achievement of the above-mentioned goals!